Conservation Bufflehead Duck House
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$2.00 off each item
$3.00 off each item
$4.00 off each item
- SKU: CCP10150
- Availability: In Stock
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Extra Wood Chips (Optional):
Nestbox Camera (Optional):
Related Categories:
Category : Wood Duck Houses
Category : Coveside Conservation Species Specific Nest Boxes
A nest box sized just right for Bufflehead ducks!
We make a habitat for every species of cavity nesting bird in North America. All of our products are correct for the species, easy to clean, well insulated and provide for the proper drainage. Every house includes an educational brochure specific to the species.
Buffleheads live by lakes, rivers and bays. Most breed in the northwestern part of North America. As winter nears, Buffleheads migrate to coastal water on the Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific coasts. Buffleheads travel to breeding grounds in Alaska and western Canada in February, March and April. They nest in tree cavities, especially old flicker holes. The female returns every year to the area of her birth and lays one egg each morning for six to 11 days, some time between mid-April and May. The Bufflehead is the only tree-nesting duck that can use nest holes of flickers. The Bufflehead, with its striking white sides and white patch on its head, is smaller than most cavity nesting ducks. Dependent on nest boxes, this house is ideal due to the scarcity of holes excavated by flickers.
There are several varieties of ducks that will nest in trees. One size house has different size entrance holes to accommodate each variety. This Wood Duck house has a wire ladder to help ducklings climb out. A lower side guard protects the nest when the side is open for observation. The entire side opens for cleaning. Comes with wood chips for nesting material. Handcrafted out of quality eastern white pine. Made in the USA!
Optional Extra Wood Chips 3 Bags/Pack (available at checkout).

These pine shavings provide an annual replenishment of nesting material for woodpeckers, ducks, owls, etc. Better than sawdust, which can mat down and retain moisture. Sold by the gallon bag for individual houses. 10-1/2" x 10-1/2"
Bufflehead House Dimensions:
17-3/4"h x 9-1/4"w x 11"d; 4" entrance hole; Weight: 10 lbs.
Build a Wood Duck Nest Box Trail! Save $$ when you purchase multiple nest boxes. Discount given at checkout.
Note: Ships dimensional oversized. Each nest box ships separately. Additional shipping charges will apply depending on order quantity and destination zone.

Bufflehead click image to learn more
CLICK HERE to learn more about Wood Ducks and Wood Duck houses.
Watch wood ducks nesting!
Mount our Hawk Eye Nature Video Camera inside your duck house - connect the nature cam to your television or computer and see what that Wood Duck or Hooded Merganser does during those long weeks as she sits on her eggs. Listen too. The Hawk Eye’s sensitive microphone brings all the sounds of nature right into your television. CLICK HERE to learn more!
See the Hawk Eye in Action!!

Click Here to watch video!
Save $$ on the Hawk Eye Nature Camera when purchased with this nestbox! (available at checkout).
Note: Camera shipped separately. Additional shipping charges will apply.