
Premium Birdbath De-Icer 150 Watt

$79.99 $89.99
You Save : $10 (11.11%)
  • SKU: FIC50
  • Availability: In Stock

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Category : Bird Bath Heaters & De-icers


Keep your bird bath free of ice!

Operates automatically to keep water from freezing down to -20 degrees Fahrenheit!

This deicer uses 150 Watts of power to prevent ice from completely enclosing a bird bath. It is safe to use in both plastic and concrete bird baths, and is designed to be completely submersible. In addition, this unit is thermostatically controlled to turn on when the temperature drops below 34° Fahrenheit and turn off when the temperature rises to its programmed shutoff temperature. This energy-efficient technology will not increase your energy bill, and the cast aluminum construction lends durability to the piece. The Premium Bird Bath Deicer will keep birds coming to your yard all winter long. Three year warranty. Made in USA!

Dimensions: 12" cord, 7.5"L element, 4.5" diameter

Made in the USA

Premium Birdbath De-Icer