
Solar Motion Detecting Rotating-Head Owl Scarecrow

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Category : Predator Repellents, Predator Deterrents
Category : Scarecrow Devices


Natural Enemy Scarecrow!

Handpainted Great Horned Owl - Looks so real and lifelike!

The safe and humane way to protect gardens.

Solar Motion Detecting Rotating-Head Owl Scarecrow - Naturally keep small animals like squirrels, mice, and shrews out of your garden or flowerbed by placing the Solar Motion Detecting Scarecrow Owl in it. This generous, plastic decoy moves when it senses motion, bringing lifelike elements to it to thoroughly deter unwanted animals. Its 18" height perfectly mimics a great horned owl, enhanced by the hand painted face, chest, and talons. A solar panel rests on the back of the bird's head, with a press-in, on/off button for you to power it only when desired. A sensitive motion detector inside the figure's head can detect movement from up to 23 feet away, activating the head to rotate almost fully around for striking realism. This solar panel is simple to charge by placing the scarecrow in direct sunlight, and a hole in the base handily accommodates a 1.625" outer diameter pole. Reposition this item in your yard every few days to retain effectiveness, preventing animals from acclimating to it. Molded from 80% recycled materials, the plastic figure is as durable as it is environmentally sound, and the base plug can be removed to add gravel or sand to it for resting on the ground. Use a natural predator to scare birds and rabbits away from your garden with the Solar Motion Detecting Scarecrow Owl.

Dimensions: 7.5"L x 8"W x 18"H
How to use the Rotating-Head Owl

For gardens, berry bushes, and grapevines:

*Mount Owl on top of a tall pole and drive pole firmly into the ground (Owl must be positioned vertically for head to move properly).

*Move Owl every few days.

For rooftops and ledges:

*Secure Owl by tying in place or weight heavily.

*Owl can be filled with sand or gravel for more stability (use enclosed stopper).

NOTES: It is important to move the Owl every few days and to place it in a prominent spot to be most effective.

For Best Results
: Owl must be positioned vertically for head to move properly.

*Place Owl BEFORE fruit ripens and feeding habits develop.

*Place Owl in a prominent place so birds can see it.

*For added effectiveness, move Owl around garden every few days.

*Use ONLY when pests are being destructive, remove at other times.

*Store indoors when season is over to prevent pests from getting used to it.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the molded Great Horned Owl scare birds? Does it work on other animals?

The owl is a feared predator and the lifelike owl with the very realistic eyes is effective in frightening birds. This product will also be effective against small rodents that are also preyed upon by the Great Horned Owl. The key to continuing effectiveness is to keep moving the owl around the yard or garden so birds don't get used to it (they will become unafraid if they notice that it never moves). Dalen also sells a Rotating-Head Owl with even greater effectiveness in scaring birds. The moving head provides maximum realism and startles birds. However, it still needs to be moved around for continued effectiveness, but not as often.

Does it work on all birds?

It frightens almost all birds. However, it actually attracts crows since the owl and the crows are mortal enemies. Most other birds are deterred by its presence in an area.

How large an area does it cover?

The owls are effective in a 50-foot radius or more if placed in a highly visible position.

How and where do you mount it?

Mount the Great Horned Owl as high as possible so birds can see it from great distances. Use a post, dowel or piece of wood or bamboo that fits into the hole in the bottom of the owl (remove plug). It can also be weighed down by filling it with gravel, dirt, sand, or pebbles so that it can be placed on the top of a post or wall. One of the best ways to use the owl is by hanging it (see next question).

Where is the hanger for it?

At the top of the head of the owl there is an indentation with a horizontal bar. Use a sharp object (ice pick or small pointed screwdriver) to make a hole and thread a wire, monofilament fishing line, or string through it. Hang it in an open area where it can be seen. The swinging and rotating motion will give it effectiveness over a longer period of time, although it is still best to move it around occasionally. NOTE: The Rotating-Head Owl cannot be hung by its head. See question on Rotating-Head Owl.

How do you weight down the Great Horned Owl? Can you fill it with water?

Remove the plug found on the bottom of the owl. Fill the base with gravel, sand, or pebbles (enough for the owl to become stable). Do NOT use water or other liquids. Replace the plug.

How do you weight down the Rotating-Head Owl?

Remove the plug found on the bottom of the owl. Fill the base with gravel, sand, soil, or pebbles (enough for the owl to become stable). Do not use water or other liquids. Replace the plug.

Rotaing Head Great Horned Owl Scarecrow