* Perforated tray allows water to drain through
Birds that use this feeder include blackbirds, bluebirds, cardinals, chickadees, crows, doves, finches, flickers, goldfinches, grackles, grosbeaks, jays, juncos, kinglets, mockingbirds, nuthatches, orioles, pheasants, pigeons, quails, redpolls, robins, siskins, sparrows, starlings, tanagers, thrushes, titmice, towhees, warblers, waxwings, woodpeckers, wrens and more
Seed or Feed Options: cracked corn, fruit, mealworms, mixed seed, peanut chunks, peanuts in the shell, safflower seed, suet, sunflower kernels, and sunflower seed
Seed Capacity: Holds up to 4 lbs of mixed seed
Dimensions: 17.37"L x 14.5"W x 6"H; Weight: 3.5 lbs.