
Seeds N More Mini Bird Feeder Green

$79.99 $89.99
You Save : $10 (11.11%)
  • SKU: WL23832
  • Availability: In Stock

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Category : Hopper Bird Feeders
Category : Suet & Seed Cake Bird Feeders


The perfect feeder for any backyard birding sanctuary!

Attract birds with seed and suet at the same time!

Mini version of our Seeds N More Bird Feeder Red 

This feeder offers both loose seed and suet or seed cakes in a convenient location, allowing several birds to dine simultaneously. The metal body of the feeder holds a generous 3.5 quarts of seed, and feeding stations on both sides of it enable you to watch many birds at one time. A suet cage rests on either end of the feeder, for birds that need a bit of extra energy. The rectangular openings on these suet cages add spots for your feathered friends to cling and dine, and the top latch helps you easily open them for refilling. A raised baffle design in the center of the feeder directs feed to the two bottom openings, reducing wasted seed and helping the item remain clean.

Monitor seed levels through the clear plastic windows at the top of the item, and use the included metal hanger to place this feeder virtually anywhere. For added convenience, the feeder roof has a top-lock design, keeping it from swinging shut while you fill and clean it. The green hue enhances your leaves, while the metal construction offers a lasting feeder. Five year limited manufacturer's warranty. Made in the USA!

Birds attracted to this feeder include bluebirds, cardinals, chickadees, doves, finches, flickers, goldfinches, grackles, grosbeaks, jays, juncos, kinglets, mockingbirds, nuthatches, orioles, sparrows, starlings, tanagers, titmice, towhees, warblers, woodpeckers, and wrens.

Feed Options: cracked corn, mixed seed, peanut chunks, safflower seed, suet, sunflower kernels, and sunflower seed

Capacity: 3.5 qts., 5.5 lbs.; 2 suet blocks

Dimensions: 10.75"L x 12"W x 7.375"H

Made in the USA